


1. 2 vertical A1 drawings (594mm wide x 841mm high) mounted on a light display board. There is no limit to the expression of the drawings.
2. The general plan and architectural elevation, profile, renderings, analysis drawing, etc. which can fully express the intention of the creation of the work are essential. And the design description of about 500 words (combined in the drawing) are also needed.
3. For each scheme, one copy of CV (in self-designed format) and electronic data of design scheme (above 300dpi) should be submitted together with the exhibition board in the form of CD-ROM.
4. In the lower right corner of the back of each entry board, the name of the entry scheme, the organization of the participant, his/her name, phone number, postal code and other contact information as well as the name of the instructor should be marked, and the information should be sealed with dark opaque paper.
※ Entries will not be returned after submission, please keep a copy. The copyright belongs to the organizer.


1. 参赛者同意并遵守本竞赛通知的内容及竞赛规则,违反规则者将被取消竞赛资格,竞赛组委会拥有此次竞赛的最终解释权;
2. 电子图纸中不得出现任何有关参赛者姓名和其所在院校的文字或图案,不符合规定者将被取消参赛资格;
3. 竞赛组织方拥有参赛作品署名权以外的其它版权权利,包括但不限于发行权,展览权,信息网络传播权,出版权等,参赛者具有署名权;
4. 禁止一稿多投,所有参赛者需确保自己所提交的作品为原创且未参加过其他竞赛。参赛作品不得包含任何侵犯第三方知识产权的行为,如发生侵权行为,组织单位不承担由此引发的任何连带责任;
5. 各小组提交一组参赛作品,严禁出现重复提交现象。如若发现同一作品出现重复提交情况,组委会有权选择其中一组进行评审;
6. 每位参赛者不能报名多组参赛,参赛小组及具体成员信息以最终提交文件为准;
7. 本次竞赛评委不得作为参赛小组的指导老师。

1. Participants agree and abide by the content of the competition notice and the competition rules. Those who violate the rules will be disqualified from the competition.
2. The electronic drawing shall not contain any text or pattern related to the name of the participant and his/her institution. Those who do not meet the regulations will be disqualified from the competition;
3. The organizer of the competition shall have other copyright rights other than the right of authorship of the entries, including but not limited to the right of distribution, exhibition, information network communication, publishing, etc. Participants shall have the right of authorship;
4. All participants must ensure that their submissions are original and have not participated in other competitions. The entries shall not contain any infringement of the intellectual property rights of the third party. In case of infringement, the organization shall not bear any joint and several liability arising therefrom;
5. Each team shall submit one group of entries. Repeat submission is strictly prohibited. If the same work is found to be submitted repeatedly, the Organizing committee has the right to select one group for review;
6. Each participant cannot register for more than one group. The information of the group and its members shall be subject to the final submission documents;
7. The judges of this competition shall not serve as the instructor of the team.



※ 获奖作品由主办方颁发奖金和获奖证书,以上奖金均含税,所有获奖的学生通过面试后均可优先获得主办方实习或录用机会。

First prize (1 team)
Certificate and 100,000 RMB (before tax);
Second prizes (4 teams)
 Certificate and 30,000 RMB (before tax);
Third prizes (8 teams)
 Certificate and 10,000 RMB (before tax);
Honorable mentions (several teams)
Certificate and 1,000 RMB (before tax);
Advisors of prize-winning projects will also be awarded with certificates.
※ Prize money and award certificate will be awarded by the organizer. The prize money mentioned above includes tax. All the winning students will have priority to get internship or employment opportunities in CUC after passing the interview.




1. Registration deadline: April 30, 2024

Scan the QR code or click to read the original text to complete the registration.



Submission deadline: July 15, 2024

Please refer to the subsequent notice for the specific submission method and address of the entries.

※ 欢迎各大高校以院系为单位或以个人、小组为单位的方式进行报名。参赛人必须按本通知时间要求填写参赛报名回执表,报名后应按时提交参赛方案。本次竞赛免交报名费。

※ All colleges and universities are welcome to apply by department or by individual or group. Participants must fill in the registration form and send it to the designated email address according to the notification time, and submit the competition plan on time after registration. There is no entry fee for this competition.


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上一篇 2023年12月19日 上午11:35
下一篇 2023年12月22日 上午9:42

